
2024 Australian Queer History Conference

The 20th AQHC Conference
Friday 20 and Saturday 21 September 2024
Victorian Pride Centre, Melbourne

The AQHC conference has been held since 1998 and brings together a diverse range of academics, emerging scholars, community historians and creative practitioners involved with LGBTIQ+ histories.

AQHC endorses and aims to reflect the Archives’ commitment to diversity which seeks to celebrate the racial, ethnic, class, cultural, political, and locational and the national distribution and international significance of Australia’s diverse sexuality, sex and gender communities. AQuA aims to ensure that AQHC is a welcoming, inclusive, and safe space for all LGBTIQ+ community members and their allies, so attendees are subject to our Code of Conduct.

Conference Program

The conference will present 45 papers, three panels and a workshop in four sessions per day. There will be two streams per session on Friday and three streams per session on Saturday. Click on the links below for program details.


Registration includes access to all sessions in the program and morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea.

Register at AQuA’s website.

Waged non-members – both days $110
Waged non-members – single day $60
AQuA members / AQuA volunteers / low income earners / students $60
Mob tickets for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander attendees.
Please email us directly to secure your ticket.


If you are experiencing financial hardship and interested in attending please contact us via email

Conference Venue

Victorian Pride Centre, 79-81 Fitzroy Street, St. Kilda

The venue is fully accessible to people with disabilities.

Other things to do during the conference

  • TransTrans: Transnational Trans* Histories Curated by Birgit Lang and Katie Sutton, TransTrans explores transnational networks of trans people who shaped early gender-diverse histories between the 1900s and the 1960s, showing in the VPC Pride Gallery from September 19 – November 3 2024.
  • Hares and Hyenas This community bookshop on the ground floor of the Victorian Pride Centre specialises in queer identity, sexuality, sex and gender diversity. Intersecting social factors such as gender, class, race and cultural background are used to develop a broad collection of titles based on contemporary lived experience outside the heteronormative mainstream.

