
2024 Australian Queer Histories Conference – Friday 20th September

VPC Theatrette AQuA Reading Room
9:00‑ 9:30am  Registration and Welcome
9:30- 10:30am
  • Richard Peterson: My twenty-year journey, 1952-1972
  • Jonathan Butler: Gay homicide: a catalyst for change? Brian Finemore
  • Eric Riddler: ‘Frothy camp’: the lavender menace versus mid twentieth century Australian art
  • David Gould: Light from the darkest decade. How male homosexual lives in 1940s and 1950s Australia inform our queer present
10:30- 11:00am Morning Tea
11:00am- 12:30pm
  • Dr Angela Dwyer & Dr Emma Turley: What are the histories of LGBTQ+ kinksters and police?
  • Tiger Salmon: The development of erotic lesbian imagery in the late 1980s and into the 1990s
  • Garrett Prestage: The practice of community research in one man’s career
  • Chloe Mackallah, Eliot Walton & Mohammad Taha: A History of Queerness in STEMM – a QueersInScience research project
  • Gary Dowsett & Neal Fitgerald: The Dowsett Papers:  Framing forty years of gay men’s sexuality, culture and politics
12:30- 1:30pm Lunch: Jumali: The Body Fixer (introduced by Bill Calder)
1:30- 3:00pm
  • Kenton Penley Miller: History is just proof that good gossip never goes out of date
  • John Witte: Policing love and sex: lives of same sex attracted people and the law in Newcastle and the Hunter 1867-1977
  • Nick Henderson & Adele Gai Histoire: John Lee’s oral history of Adelaide gay life
  • Todd Fuller & Drew Pettifer: 1727 Tragedy and Art
  • Lucy Sussex: Fergus and his friends
3:00- 3:30pm Afternoon Tea
3:30- 5:00pm
  • Alex Ettling: The Dover Hotel
  • Andy De Groot: Eat the rainbow!: queer food, story sharing and community building
  • Jeremy Smith: Counter-mapping Queer Sydney
  • Jeff Sparrow: Writing Lesbia Harford’s lovers
  • Ava Wansbrough: Popular representations of queer Australian history: She and her pretty friend and Queerstralia
  • Bruce Moore: From poofter to Poof Doof: the history of an Australian word