Groom was a girl, Australia’s first gay wedding
Truth (Melbourne), p.1
6 March 1976
Newspaper Clippings Collection
In 1976, the tabloid newspaper Truth emblazoned their front page with the story “Groom was a girl, Australia’s first gay wedding”. The accompanying sensationalised story covered the wedding of Adelaide couple Kathy and Jayne, suggesting that this was ‘the first gay wedding in Australia to be recognised by a Christian Church’, which although not mentioned was likely to be the Metropolitan Community Church. The Archives has records of kamp/gay weddings dating back to the 1920s, including some dating to the early 1970s recognised by churches, such as the Church of the Mystic Christ. For more information see this blog by Rebecca Jennings, or view this article ‘Marriage for Homosexuals’ from West Campaigner from 1973.