As a community-based archive – one of only a few around the world – we have always known that without our volunteers and members we are nothing.
And despite the fact the Archives is a collective effort, it is important that we acknowledge the labour, love and commitment demonstrated by people who have given to the Archives in exceptional ways.
Indeed, as the founding generation of gay and lesbian archives ages it is important that we highlight the dedication and the achievements of elders in the community as a way of ensuring that we tell our own histories as well as promoting mentorship within the LGBTIQ communities.
At a special Open Day on 27 May 2012, the Archives inducted two of its outstanding supporters as Life Members. Over many years, and in many ways, Helen Pausacker and Liz Ross have contributed to the Archives’ success as it travels through its fourth decade. The Archives has only held one such public induction before.
You can read the speech by Archives President Daniel Marshall here (pdf).