The sale of The Hub’s building required the collection to be placed into storage in October 1987. After no satisfactory alternatives were found, a specially built basement repository was excavated under Graham Carbery’s house at 4 Scotts Parade Ivanhoe during 1988. The collection was moved out of storage on the 26th of May 1989 and it remained there until October 1995 when Graham sold the house.

1989 : A basement repository
4 Scotts Parade Ivanhoe
Graham Carbery at ALGA, Ivanhoe, 1990 (photo: unidentified photographer) Photographs Collection, 90-28a
Graham Carbery excavating for Archives at his Ivanhoe home, January-February 1989 (photo: unidentified photographer), Photographs Collection, 80-32a
Rob Thurling on Archives construction January-February 1989 (photo: Graham Carbery) Photographs Collection, 80-32e
Graham Carbery at the Archives, Ivanhoe, 1991 (photo: unidentified photographer) Photographs Collection, 90-31d