
Thesis prize 2012

2 November 2012

For many years now the Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives has offered a prize for the best fourth year thesis (honours or equivalent – that is, of about 10,000 words) submitted at an Australian university in the field of GLBTI studies. The amount of the prize is $250.

The thesis may be in any discipline and must have as its major concern some aspect of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex and/or queer experience, contemporary or historical, in Australia. Work submitted at an overseas university that meets this criterion will be accepted for consideration.

To nominate a piece of work please send a single printed copy, preferably bound, to the Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives, PO Box 124, Parkville 3054 Victoria. The submission date is Saturday 1 December 2012. Late submission may be accepted by arrangement with Graham Willett (see contact details below).

Theses will be retained by the Archives and will become part of its collection.

For more information on the prize, please contact Dr Graham Willett, Secretary of the Archives, on