
Collecting, We're not all straight in the Garden State - Doug Lucas (designer) (Melbourne - Pokeys, c.1981), Badge Collection, 8-80-08We’re not all straight in the Garden State – Doug Lucas (designer) (Melbourne – Pokeys, c.1981), Badge Collection, 8-80-08 preserving and Lesbianism ...Why Settle for Less (n.d.) Badges Collection 3-20-08Lesbianism …Why Settle for Less (n.d.) Badges Collection 3-20-08 celebrating Lesbians Ignite (n.d.) Badge Collection, 5-45-18Lesbians Ignite (n.d.) Badge Collection, 5-45-18 Australia’s Stonewall '83 (Melbourne, 1983) Badge Collection, 1-03-05Stonewall ’83 (Melbourne, 1983) Badge Collection, 1-03-05 histories Lyn Cooper wearing an ‘I am a lesbian’ t-shirt, International Women’s Day, Adelaide, 1974, Jill Matthews Collection (Photo: unidentified photographer)Lyn Cooper wearing an ‘I am a lesbian’ t-shirt, International Women’s Day, Adelaide, 1974, Jill Matthews Collection (Photo: unidentified photographer) since 1978.