
Collecting, Lesbians are everywhere (c.1970s) Badge Collection, 4-30-07Lesbians are everywhere (c.1970s) Badge Collection, 4-30-07 preserving and Dude magazine, n.1, 2010, Periodicals CollectionDude magazine, n.1, 2010, Periodicals Collection celebrating We're not all straight in the Garden State - Doug Lucas (designer) (Melbourne - Pokeys, c.1981), Badge Collection, 8-80-08We’re not all straight in the Garden State – Doug Lucas (designer) (Melbourne – Pokeys, c.1981), Badge Collection, 8-80-08 Australia’s [Intersex pride flag] (c.2019) Badge Collection, 9-12-01[Intersex pride flag] (c.2019) Badge Collection, 9-12-01 histories Non Binary Badge CollectionNon Binary Negative since 1978.